Calling the group to order this quarter is President Nate Smith of the SCC Lincoln Student Senate. The meeting executed on January 19th, 2012 in the Student Center gave commendation for the progress of the past year as well as presenting opportunities for the next.
Beginning with activities committee, the Senate announced plans and ideas for the 2012 Winter Quarter, including a pool tournament on January 26th. A complete collection of activities can be found in the main lobby of the SCC Lincoln campus, as well as outside the Student Center.
The wellness committee proceeded next with the presentation of the January 24th, 2012 kickball tournament.
The previous quarter was placed in review during the meeting as well. Each meeting was attended by an average of 22 senators, up from the summer quarter, and the events had an average of 10 senator volunteers, up and average of 3 from the previous quarter as well.
Pop and Popcorn, taking place on the first day of fall quarter, had an approximate turnout of 700, up about fifty from summer quarter. In addition, the Halloween activities “Boo at the Zoo” at the Lincoln Park Zoo and “Roca Scary Farm” at Roca Berry Farm sold out.
Lastly, the senate announced the success of the food drive during the holiday season. Smith quoted that SCC students had compiled about $2,000 worth of non-perishable goods, coming to about 3,000 pounds of food.
In addition to college matters, the senate also had elections for the offices of secretary and wellness chair. During elections, each of the candidates responded to questions of position and eligibility.
Wellness Chair Ryan Krueger was re-elected to his position. “I love how we do the blood drive…it helps a lot of people,” he replied when asked about activities he wants to continue working.
Mr. Alex Prokop was elected as secretary for the quarter. “I’m excited for anything that happens,” he spoke. “I’ll always take charge if no one else stands up.”
Meetings take place every Monday SCC is open in the Student Center from 3:30 to 4:30. Visitors are welcome to watch the proceedings. Visitors interested in representing their program in the senate must become verified by their departments, bearing a minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average.