President Nate Smith of the Southeast Community College Student Senate brought the Monday, Feb. 13, meeting to order.
After attendance and review of the previous meeting’s minutes, the senate invited Lincoln Campus Director and Student Services Vice President Jeanette Volker to speak on the subject of tuition.
“On March 20th the (SCC) Board of Governors will take a vote on tuition for next year,” she noted. “Right now you are paying… (in-state) $51 per quarter credit.” Volker continued to explain that SCC had very competitive pricing in community colleges, calculating the value per semester hour and comparing it to other Nebraska community and four year colleges.
As it stands, the Board of Governors will choose between six options. The first option is to remain at $51 in-state and $63 out of state per quarter hour. Options increase from there.
Option two increases the tuition in-state to $52 (increase of 1.96%) and out of state tuition to $64 (increase of 1.59%). Option three raises in-state tuition to $53 (3.92%) and out of state to $65.50 (3.97%).
Option four increases in-state tuition to $54 (5.88%) and out of state tuition to $66.50 (5.56%). Option five adds up to $55 (7.84%) in-state and out of state to $68 (7.94%), and option six raises tuition to $56 (9.80%) in-state and $69 (9.52) out of state, all per quarter hour.
Volker added that the Board of Governors asks the students’ opinions, and as the representatives of the students, the SCC Student Senate acts as the mouthpiece. “The Board always asks ‘what would the student senate recommend?’” she commented.
After Volker concluded, Candy Hemmer reported on the community service project. She noted that the Friendship Home is looking for donations of pillows, pillowcases, cleaning supplies, size 5 diapers and feminine hygiene products. Students should contact their department representative to donate.
In previous weeks, the concept of adding Coca-Cola Machines on campus was proposed. It was noted that the school had a contract with Pepsi. The contract continues until 2019, and the proposition was dropped.
Meetings take place every Monday SCC is open in the Student Center from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Visitors are welcome to watch the proceedings. Visitors interested in representing their program in the senate must become verified by their departments, bearing a minimum 2.0 Grade Point Average.