Milford class of 1969 to reunite

May 2, 2019
MILFORD – The 1969 graduating class from Southeast Community College in Milford will be celebrating their 50-year reunion on Friday, May 3.
Between 45 to 50 Alumni are expected to attend the event, which will be held at the Milford campus.
The reunion will begin at 8:30 a.m. with a brief welcome meet and greet in the Dunlap Center. Then at 9 a.m., there will be a video presentation of the campus history.
After the video, alumni and their guests will be taken on a campus tour followed by a group picture.
The festivities will end with a buffet lunch starting at 11:45 a.m.
According to Marcia VanAndel, an administrative assistant, invitations were sent out to everyone that graduated in the year 1969.
Many of the expected attendees still reside in Nebraska, but “Alumni come from all points, from California to Michigan,” said VanAndel.
VanAndel said past Alumni enjoy the tour and “love to see the changes the campus has made.”
One of the many changes they will notice is the SCC name. When the class of 1969 attended it was known as Milford Technical School.
Alumni coordinator Shelly Toole planned the event, which is free of charge for alumni and their guests.
Tolle has also arranged for a few parting gifts for the Alumni, a rain gauge with the SCC Milford logo as well as a history book that highlights the first 50 years of the campus.
According to VanAndel, there is a 50-year reunion held each year for graduates to “meet up with their old classmates, some they may have even forgotten about.”