Burt, Jantzen honored as outstanding Beatrice Campus employees

Rebecca Burt
May 29, 2014

Rebecca Burt and Raymond Jantzen received the Outstanding Faculty and Staff awards during a coffee held in mid-April on Southeast Community College’s Beatrice Campus.
Dr. Dale Kruse, vice chairperson of the Board of Governors, presented the awards.
Burt, a science instructor at SCC since fall 1988, was grateful for being selected to receive the award.
“I am honored to receive this award,” she said, “and it also is an honor to be an employee of Southeast Community College.”
Comments from those who nominated Burt include that she works very hard to make the College succeed and always talks up the College in public; is always willing and ready to help fellow teachers and staff; is always positive and motivated to make the College a better place; and is very professional with students and staff.
“I thoroughly enjoy instructing students in the classroom, laboratory and online learning environments,” Burt said. “It is truly a privilege to come to work at SCC each day.
“Many thanks to the SCC Action Committee for its support of the College. Thank you for everything you do for SCC students and staff.”
Jantzen is a maintenance worker who began working at SCC in January 2002. He also was grateful to have been chosen for the award.
“Receiving this award is really a big honor for me,” he said. “It makes me feel appreciated, noticed and respected by faculty and staff. The positive feedback I receive from faculty and staff is motivating.”
Comments from those who nominated Jantzen include that he is always courteous and helpful; works hard; will pitch in when needed; sees what needs to be done and figures out what to do and does it; and is a devoted, humble employee.
“As a grounds maintenance person, it is important to me to have the campus looking nice as a first impression for visitors and students,” Jantzen said. “Working with an outstanding maintenance staff also is motivating.”