Board’s action to raise tuition still puts SCC among most affordable in Nebraska

March 20, 2014
Although Southeast Community College’s Board of Governors approved a $3 per credit hour increase in the tuition rate for 2014-2015, the new rate likely will remain the lowest, or one of the lowest, among the six community colleges in Nebraska.
The Board’s vote raises the price of one quarter credit hour at SCC to $58.50, effective July 1. Fees will remain $1.25 per hour, meaning Nebraska residents will pay $59.75 per quarter credit hour during the 2014-2015 academic year. Nonresidents will pay $72 per hour in tuition, plus the $1.25 per hour in fees for a total of $73.25 per hour.
Dr. Jack Huck, SCC president, said feedback received from student groups regarding the quality of education received for the investment remains positive.
“For years our students have told us that they appreciate the high quality of education they receive for the money,” Huck said. “They appreciate being able to train on equipment that they’ll eventually use in industry. They appreciate being taught by qualified faculty. They tell us that their return on investment is very high.”
Ninety-four percent of 2012-2013 SCC graduates found work or continued their education, which speaks to the value for their investment, Huck said.
On an annualized basis, SCC remains one of the most affordable higher education options in Nebraska. Students will pay $2,688.75 to take 45 quarter credit hours (approximately one year) in 2014-2015. Based on information shared Tuesday, the lowest tuition and fee rate in the state is $2,598.75, while the highest rate is $2,778.75.
SCC’s practice is to present the Board with numerous options when it comes to tuition and fees. This year’s range was a zero percent increase to a $5 per hour increase. Board members also heard recommendations from each of SCC’s Student Senates on the Beatrice, Lincoln and Milford campuses. Those recommendations ranged from a $1 to $3 per hour increase.
SCC’s historical tuition credit hour rates:
2015 $58.50
2014 $55.50
2013 $54.00
2012 $51.00
2011 $48.00
2010 $47.00
2009 $47.00
2008 $45.00
2007 $42.00
2006 $39.00
2005 $36.00
2004 $33.50