Beatrice Blood Drive Set for Thursday
American Red Cross. (PRNewsFoto/American Red Cross)
February 26, 2020
A blood drive will be taking place at Southeast Community College in Beatrice on Thursday, Feb. 27.
Carrie Puhalla, Student Activities Coordinator, stated that the drive will be held in the student center at Kennedy Hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
According to the American Red Cross, a volunteer must be 17 to volunteer alone or at least 16 with parental consent.
The Red Cross goes on to point out that volunteers are also allowed to donate if they’re in good health, at least 110 pounds and have not donated blood in the last 56 days. Volunteers also cannot give blood if they are sick, taking birth control or have high or low blood pressure or a chronic illness.
Puhalla, who has overseen the blood drive for 13 years says, “The blood drives have been going on for years; it was going on when I got here. It’s something we’ve always done, and we’ll continue to do it.”
She also points out, “We are aiming to get more blood units in the state of Nebraska. It will ensure that they have enough for when people need it.”
When asked how she works with the Red Cross to set up a blood drive, Puhalla answered, “The Red Cross has set dates and will contact us to find out what date will work.”
According to Puhalla, the Red Cross will have plenty of helpers on their side, during the blood drive, with students and officers from Student Activities helping out.